
- 8:46am ET – The North Tower of the World Trade Center was struck by American Airlines Flight 11.
- 9:03am ET – The South Tower of the World Trade Center was struck by American Airlines Flight 175.
- 9:37am ET – The Pentagon was struck by American Airlines Flight 77.
- 9:59am ET – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
- 10:03am ET – Passengers and crew aboard United Airlines Flight 93, fight back and storm the cockpit and the plane crashes in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 20 minutes flying time from Washington, DC.
- 10:15am ET – The west-facing E Ring of the Pentagon collapses.
- 10:28am ET – The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
In one hour and forty-two minutes, the world changed. Today, our thoughts and prayers go out to those we lost, to those who lost loved ones and to the first responders who rushed in as so many were rushing out.