AppRiver outage impacting email for some customers

Industry News, Tech news
We just received an email from AppRiver notifying us of an issue at one of the AppRiver Datacenters impacting email for some customers. I've posted a link to the status page from AppRiver below and we'll post any additional updates that we get that may not be on the status page on this post. 1234ET - At this time, it looks like mail flow has resumed and should be good to go.
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Mail Flow Issues at AppRiver

Industry News, Tech news
AppRiver is aware of and currently working to resolve issues with mail flow resulting in, in some cases, significant delays in mail delivery The issue was initially reported on 13 February 2019 and was believed to have been resolved at that time. Unfortuately, that was not the case and delays have persisted for some clients. The AppRiver team is working on a resolution now and believe that they have identified the cause and a fix that is being tested now. Below is a link to the AppRiver status page with an option to subscribe to updates on the issue.
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Major outage reported in Atlanta AppRiver Datacenter

Early in the day on 5 March 2018, we received notifications of potential problems on some of the AppRiver services that we use and recommend.  After reviewing the data that we had, we confirmed that there were problems in the AppRiver Atlanta Datacenter. We reached out to AppRiver who confirmed the outage and referred us to their Status Page for ongoing updates. [Update 1342] - According to AppRiver, the issue has been resolved.   Our inbound mail appears to back to normal as well, confirming the AppRiver Status Page's latest update.  From the status page, it looks like the issue was initially discovered at 1119ET so, any email in transit between then and the resolution at 1342ET may have been affected.
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