Mail Flow Issues at AppRiver

Industry News, Tech news
AppRiver is aware of and currently working to resolve issues with mail flow resulting in, in some cases, significant delays in mail delivery The issue was initially reported on 13 February 2019 and was believed to have been resolved at that time. Unfortuately, that was not the case and delays have persisted for some clients. The AppRiver team is working on a resolution now and believe that they have identified the cause and a fix that is being tested now. Below is a link to the AppRiver status page with an option to subscribe to updates on the issue.
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6 April 2019 may be a bad day for GPS

Tech news
Prior to 1 January 2000, the so-called Y2K had everyone on edge about what would happen when the year rolled from 99 to 00 on devices with only two digits to note the year. There was significant preparation and work (and a lot of snake oil sold, imho), but it ended up being a pretty smooth transition and using four digits (instead of two) is now the norm. Not sure what will happen on 31 December 9999 but, honestly, that's not really going to be my problem. All of that said though, it seems that GPS may have a similar issue on 6 April 2019. According to this article, GPS signals from satellites include a ten binary bit timestamp, allowing for a maximum of 1,024 weeks (roughly 20 years). When…
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Java, no longer free!

Industry News, Tech news
Tech giant Oracle recently announced that starting in January of 2019 their flagship product, Java SE, would require a license for all commercial installations going forward. Many news organizations have reported on this impending change, however not many make it clear what happens going forward. Below is a quick guide to help answer some of the questions left unanswered in many other articles. 3 billion devices run slow Who Does This Affect? Any commercial users of Java in any form. If you go to and download the latest version of what most users know as "Java" (currently Java Version 8 Update 201) and you do business, make money, and or are a commercial entity, you need to purchase a license to use Java on a per machine, per year…
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