February 2018 News and Updates

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Executive Summary - Spectre and Meltdown dominated the news during the last update cycle but seem to be winding down.  The good news here is that strides are being made to mitigate the problem, including a Meltdown and Spectre Detector tool in Microsoft Windows Analytics.  The bad news though is that a number of other critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft Outlook and Adobe Flash Player have stepped up to take the place of Spectre and Meltdown. News DC770 In The News - DEF CON North Atlanta, or DC770, made the front page of the Cartersville Daily Tribune on Wednesday, 6 February 2018.  DC770 is a DEF CON group that meets monthly at Jefferson's in Cartersville.  More information is available at the DC770 website and the article is available at the Daily…
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